Thursday, 18 April 2013

Friendly neighbourhood androgynous librarian

Let's face it, if I was a librarian, I'd wear this all day everyday. When I was first gifted this sweater dress I wasn't too sure what to do with it. I'm already on bad terms with sweater dresses in general, let alone a loose/weird fitting, knee-length knitted one. But then I learned to love it and I have found it useful on gloomy, rainy days like today. Also my hair is in a weird stage in its life where it's not layered enough so it just kind of hangs heavily from my head. Solution? Androgynous sleek and low ponytail. Which quite frankly is also the answer to "I buttoned my shirt up to the top button but the combination of that plus my messy hat hair makes me look like a dressed up cave woman, so what do I do?"

sweater dress - h&m // chambray button up - american apparel // boots - zara // watches - vintage // ... russian red by mac on lips.

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