Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Hump day

It's Wednesday - only halfway through the week but it feels like you've been sitting in this class/in this office/at home (you lucky self-employed bastard) for an eternity. You woke up this morning and thought, man, how am I going to get my ass off this bed? You begin to feel that sensation of -ugh- when you see your most beloved heels patiently standing on a shelf, begging for you to love them again. Unfortunately, even the thought of putting jeans on makes you feel uneasy, so forget about heels. So there you are, sitting at your desk wearing Lulu Lemon leggings (again?) with a fisherman pullover sweater. 

But hooooney, there is a way out of this vicious cycle of bangin' outfits and leggings! Sometimes you feel like there's no in between, but there certainly is. Turn your worst enemy, sweatpants, into a fashion ally. 'Tis the season to be comfy!

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